It is no secret that the world today is busier and more confusing than ever before. AI is changing the professional landscape at a rate we can’t keep up with, we’re feeling more disconnected than ever before despite infinite digital connection points, and burnout and mental health concerns in the workplace are skyrocketing at a rate we’ve never seen or experienced before.
Together, a loneliness crisis is taking over and unless we deal with it today, turnover, engagement, morale, culture, and performance are sure to continue to slide.
The key to solving this global issue isn’t to push for more, better, or faster; it is to create inspired work environments that activate limitless human potential through collective agency, purpose-driven action and organisational impact.
Why Kath Koschel?
Customisation of every keynote to your key objectives and outcomes sought
Moving story that inspires ordinary people to do EXTRA ordinary things
First hand story telling that brings out emotion and the courage to step into action immediately
Actionable takeaways in real time
Authentic storytelling, energy, passion and drive
Motivating stories that inspire people to become the best version of themselves

The health and welfare of our society is of significant concern as we see increasing rates of suicide, mental illness, incarcerations, substance abuse and human violence around the world. These complex and confronting trends call for a push towards compassion, understanding and ultimately a greater need for human decency and kindness
Don’t mistake kindness for weakness. Research shows that kind companies are strong and successful. A Deloitte University study found that businesses with high levels of kindness saw an 80% improvement in performance. Kindness in business can have many positive and profitable effects, including greater staff trust, improved productivity, increased employee retention, improved morale, greater brand loyalty, increased ability to attract talent, and the establishment of a thriving culture.
It is not our job to toughen up our children to face a cruel and heartless world. It’s our job to raise children who will make the world I little less cruel and heartless
When actively explored in schools, kindness is a powerful tool for nurturing the well-being of everyone! Scientific studies have shown that kindness has a great number of physical and emotional benefits which support people to be happy, confident, well-rounded individuals
Nice V Kind
Nice is passive and easy, you can normally brush past it. Kindness is active and hard and takes courage, truth and compassion.
With Gratitude, Optimism is sustainable
If we can find one thing to be grateful for, we can find something to look forward to.
Knowing yourself is the beginning to all wisdom
Self-Awareness comes before Self-Acceptance. If we can accept ourselves for all of our strengths and imperfections, we are on our way to contentment
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion
Those of us who are crazy enough to think they can change the world usually do. But you have to start. Take the first step now.
The silver lining of rock bottom is that you can only go up
Rock bottom was the foundation for starting something new. And it can be for you too.
Perspective is the number one tool that we all have access to in fostering connection and overcoming adversity
What are you paying attention to and how are you thinking about it?